Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Blog 13: Due Wednesday, Apr 25th – 
1. Which photo technique do you most enjoy (Collage, Montage, SuperImpose)? 
2. Why?

Notice how each tells a story or has a message? Storytelling or sending visual messages clearly is very difficult to do, but once you become aware of it, you will notice it more.


  1. Of the three examples, I am most drawn to the collage because it tells the best story. I like how separate moments and angles are compiled to create one image. The photographer can pick and choose different styles, angles, and moments to create the final product and tell whatever story he or she chooses.

    Katelyn Daugherty

  2. Of the three I am with Katelyn, the collage looks to be the most interesting and artistic technique by far. Superimposing looks gimmicky, I don't care for that at all. The montage could be done in a really creative way also, though most of the ones I have seen are mostly done with smiling chubby faced babies. urp!!!!

  3. I like the montage the best, not necessarialy of these examples though. I like how you can have a lot of smaller photos to make up your larger one, it allows you to show many different aspects of the photo topic and connects them all together.

    Shelby Timm
