Friday, February 17, 2012

GDIV Brochures

 Mallory Hays - Inside brochure
 Sara Ford, Logan Abrams, Adam Austin - Inside Brochure (above), Cover Brochure (below)
 Luis Mila, Cahz Simpson - Inside Brochure (above), Cover Brochure (below)
Ashlee Kent - Inside Brochure (above), Cover (below)

GD III Ashlee Kent

Awesome Site Mapping, Ashlee! It is organized and visually clear!

Monday, February 13, 2012

GDIV Blog 7

Blog 7: Due Wednesday, Feb.29th Write a paragraph on your new challenge. 
1. What is your role in the team? 
2. Explain the concept idea.
3. Do you prefer working individually or on teams? What is the benefit of both?

2D Design Blog 7

Blog 7: Due Tuesday, Apr 3rd  – 
1. Find an example of real texture and implied texture. Post a link to the images. 
(*Actual/Real texture is texture that you can feel. Visual/implied texture is when something "looks like it has a texture it does not".  IE: a painting could have a smooth surface, but the content (the subject within the painting) might appear to be a rough and bumpy tree with dried leaves.)
**Durer's Rhino is implied because it is a 2D artwork that displays the texture of the animal's outer skeleton. 
2. Answer: How does an artist create form in a painting?

2D Design Blog 6

Blog 6: Due Thursday, Mar 22nd  – Post a link to what you consider to be a successful collage. Explain why you enjoy the collage using the Elements of Art terms.

2D Design Blog 5

Blog 5: Due Thursday, Mar 8th  – 
1. In redesigning your cards, why did you pick the design elements that you used? 
2. What influenced you to chose those design elements?

Dig Photo - Cassie Rzpeka

Congrats to Cassie Rzpeka for two of her photo entries being accepted into a professional show! The KWC Art Department is very proud of you! You have amazing talent!

GD III Blog 7

Blog 7: Due Wednesday, Feb.29th – 
1. What is your favorite part of designing a website? Why?
2. Which Website do you think is visual pleasing and why? Does contrast have a play?
 Web 2:

Dig Photo Blog 7

Blog 7: Due Wednesday, Mar 7th

1. Write a paragraph stating about which category of the Nature Series interest you most and what you liked most about shooting it. 

2. Which of these shots interest you the most and what would make the photo stronger?


Dig Photo Blog 6

Blog 6: Due Wednesday, Feb.29th – Write a paragraph describing how the eye is lead around your Still Life composition. Is it diagonal? Triangular? Squared? Zig-Zagged? Radial?

Dig Photo Blog 5

Blog 5: Due Wednesday, Feb. 22nd – Write 2 paragraphs on your conceptual idea of your Still Life shot. 
1. What are some potential setups? 
2. Define subject, focal point, foreground, and background.

Photo's by Jason Peek

Dig Photo Blog 4

Blog 4: Due Wednesday, Feb. 15th –Write 2 paragraphs about the Digital Darkroom process. 
1. How did you manipulate or edit your Egg Photo? 
2. Define your Light Source, contrast, and value.

GD III Blog 6

Blog 6: Due Wednesday, Feb. 22nd – Post a link to a site that displays a product. Did the designer get the message across visually? Who is the target audience? What is the aim for this site?

GD III Blog 5

Blog 5: Due Wednesday, Feb. 15th –Find a popular, well known company and post a link to it’s homepage. How would you redesign the site to improve or make it stronger?

GD III Blog 4

Blog 4: Due Wednesday, Feb. 8th – Post a link to a website and give 3 suggestions to make the page stronger.

GDIV Blog 6

Blog 6: Due Wednesday, Feb. 22nd – Write a paragraph on your mock up and the process of your teams design. Which of your classmates brochures inspires you most or what design elements did you feel were successful?

GDIV Blog 5

Blog 5: Due Wednesday, Feb. 15th –Do you work well with your teammates? What is the hardest thing about working in teams? What is the easiest factor about teamwork?

GDIV Blog 4

Blog 4: Due Wednesday, Feb. 8th – Write a paragraph talking about how you problem-solved the edits. Were you able to apply the client’s new request? Did you prefer the 1st or 2nd proofs (which one is more aesthetically pleasing to you and upload the proof)?

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