Monday, February 13, 2012

Dig Photo Blog 7

Blog 7: Due Wednesday, Mar 7th

1. Write a paragraph stating about which category of the Nature Series interest you most and what you liked most about shooting it. 

2. Which of these shots interest you the most and what would make the photo stronger?



  1. A is a lot more appealing to me. It captures that detail while also providing a diagonal angle to the whole shot, as opposed to following a straight horizontal or vertical.

  2. I like the angle of the grasshopper better in A. It is visually much more interesting than a straight horizontal line, but it would have been more successful if the grasshopper were closer and more detailed.

    As for the next assignment I think the animal in motion will be the most interesting to me. I love photographing animals, you never know what to expect from them. It's always surprising.

  3. I am most excited about photographing a building in an environment. I like architecture and how a structure can fill up the space in a photo.

    While I appreciate the angle of the first shot better, my eye stays with the second one longer. I like the side angle of the bug and how the surrounding space in the foreground is blurred in comparison to the sharpness of the bug.

    Katelyn Daugherty

  4. Like Katelyn, I think I'm most excited about shooting a building. Architecture can prove to be very dramatic with strong lines, and shooting a building can be a nice exercise in composition.

    I prefer the second shot because of the depth of feel with the brick. I also like that the bug doesn't feel as centered as in the first shot--which can easily make a photograph look amateur.
    Chase Durrance

  5. I'm most excited about taking a photo of an insect or animal. I really like to take macro shots and this will be a good chance to do that. Of the two photos the second is my favorite. The first photo doesn't have enough to keep my attention where as the second draws my eye across the whole photo. You can also see the face of the grasshopper better in the second.
    Shelby Timm

  6. I liked the sunset and building categories the most. I was able to move positions to get different angles and completely change the feel of the photograph. When I took the photos I tried to make the photos have feeling. I wanted people to be able to feel the content and context. I wanted the content to fill the space of the shot.

    Both of those categories were interesting to me. I think my favorite overall picture was of the broken down barn. I liked the way the tree was growing out from under it. I tried not to have it centered so that it had a better feel to it. I probably could have made it stronger by using a slightly different angle to include the tree and barn, but I was satisfied with what I came up with.
