Monday, February 13, 2012

GDIV Blog 5

Blog 5: Due Wednesday, Feb. 15th –Do you work well with your teammates? What is the hardest thing about working in teams? What is the easiest factor about teamwork?


  1. I do work well with my teammates, but I prefer to work alone. I have a hard time working in groups when attempting to lay my ideas down. I like to be cut loose and doing my own thing. That way, I know my visions are brought together he way I saw it in my head. The easiest thing about working in teams would be time. You can assign people to certain jobs and combine them later. This definitely saves time!

  2. I do work well with my teammates, I prefer working in teams because you can use each persons skill to the fullest.

  3. I think that I do work well with my teammates. The hardest thing about working in teams is trying to decide among all the great ideas that we come up with! The easiest factor about team work is that together things are faster because we are all so wonderful at what we do!

  4. (Sara Ford)

    I typically don't enjoy working in groups, but for once it turned out well. we each had something to add and were compliant with oneanother's ideas.

    hardest thing is that i tend to forget my own good ideas in favor of hearing what they have to say. so when i get the chance to share it, i've already forgotten!
