Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dig Photo Blog 3

Write a paragraph talking about how you try to think creatively when setting up a shoot. What techniques or ideas do you implement? How will/did you use the egg creativity to produce a/this shot?
(Photo by Jason Peek)


  1. I try to think of every possible angle, even the "impossible" angles for a shot. I always strive to do something different, even if it's slightly, just to make the viewer go, "Oh hey, I think he did this," when observing the photo.

  2. I just try to see what picture would look good to me and I take it. It really doesn't matter to me if other people like it just as long as I like it. WIth the egg thing I really don't know where I am going with the egg pictures but I will just see where it goes when I do it.

    -Brad Sadler

    1. I'm really proud of you Bradley. Often times you give minimal effort in non major classes and you really let yourself down. This class you have really taken a liking to and are giving maximum effort. Keep up the good work. We believe in you!!!

    2. I completely agree with this statement. You usually give the minimal effort but now you have gained the knowledge of giving more. I believe that Heather has truly inspired you.

  3. When I am ready to shoot I don't look at the object for what it is but what it remind me of. To incorporate interesting, unique ideas I want to do something no one else has done. By seeing the object as something different I can get shots that are interesting and fun. I plan to do something fun to the egg like draw on it or paint it to add a creative effect. Hopefully whatever I do has not been done and won't be repeated.

  4. When I think of concepts, I try to think if the idea is more of my own or more my paying homage to something I've seen in the past. Unfortunately, because of blogs, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. it makes it difficult to not reproduce things I've already seen. Originality is the challenge.


  5. I try to be one with the egg. I try to picture what the egg would see, and then I go from there to see what the viewer or audience would see. I want to catch the perfect angle to capture just enough of the egg but more of the background to get my main objective or point across.
    -Justin Jones

  6. I try to find a shot that is interesting to look at. I took shots with either simple, flat backgrounds to focus more on the egg or more complex ones that give the photo a different meaning. I'm trying to find creative places to put my egg without copying other ideas. I'm also trying to get the lighting in my photos to be better and more dramatic, so I'm going to try different settings.

  7. When setting up a shot, I try to look for different angles and different scenarios to place an object in. I love that we all have the same object but that we're going to produce so many different ideas. I have several thoughts for the egg series and I'm excited about trying different techniques and post-processing to make each photograph unique.

    Katelyn Daugherty

  8. Since I am a country girl I decided to use a country egg. All my settings invloved farm or country accents. My photos with my dog Jazzy are my favorites. Some of her expressions just gave emotion to the photos. I took the outdoor photos of my dog in the early morning so there was muted lighting. The tractor and wood pictures were taken inside, some with and without flash. The tractor was more of a fun setting. I liked the wood because of all the texture involved. My photos were not really original ideas but at least the content was original.
